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Healing Anxiety and Depression with Ayahuasca

What Science Says

When left unchecked, unresolved stress and trauma can wreak havoc on our mental well-being. With one in four Americans suffering a mental health disorder, anxiety, and depression are at epidemic levels.

For sufferers, this could mean feelings of hopelessness, and being disconnected from those around them emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Living in a restless, tense state of ongoing fear leaves one paralyzed, lost, and unaligned with their higher selves, preventing meaningful soulful connections.

All too often, the modern solution to these symptoms is pharma based. Although they may work for some, popping pills can have harmful side effects and do not actually treat the source of the issue. However, today’s conscious consumers are rejecting the doctor’s script and awakening to multidimensional healing modalities.

When it comes to healing anxiety and depression at the root cause, emerging scientific studies are finally proving what wise Amazonian elders and indigenous tribes have known for centuries; the therapeutic power of ayahuasca.

What is ayahuasca?

A medicinal brew made from the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub and the stalks of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, ayahuasca is used ritualistically under the care and guidance of a shaman.

Translating to ‘vine of the spirits’, ayahuasca is classed as a psychedelic entheogen. When sipped during a ceremony, ayahuasca activates a profound psychospiritual experience.

Its two active ingredients work in harmony to facilitate the release of DMT (dimethyltryptamine) and MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) into the body.

How does ayahuasca work?

Ayahuasca’s active compounds have powerful neuroprotective and neurorestorative qualities. DMT stimulates the brain’s serotonin receptors, which boosts the mood and elevates emotions, while MAOIs act as antidepressants. Ayahuasca has been shown to activate repressed memories that negatively impact the present.

The benefits of healing with ayahuasca are many. Numerous studies have proven ayahuasca’s extraordinary ability to treat both anxiety and depression. In what was the first controlled trial to test a psychedelic substance in treatment-resistant depression, ayahuasca had a rapid antidepressant effect after a single dosing session with ayahuasca when compared with placebo.

Another recent study reported that over half of participants (54%) said their anxiety was very much improved through taking ayahuasca, with an incredible 16% saying it was completely resolved. The results for depression were equally impressive, with 46% reporting that their depression was very much improved and 32% saying it was completely resolved.

What can I expect during an ayahuasca ceremony?

An ayahuasca ceremony is a sacred and safe space for you to heal. Over the course of between three and six hours, you will experience profound visions and life-changing lessons. Ayahuasca may also stimulate bowel or stomach movements which are symptoms of deep energy releases.

Mother Ayahuasca is intelligent and knows precisely what each sitter needs to purge and learn. Although your ayahuasca journey will be unique to you, it will lift the veil to the source of your mental dis-ease, enabling you to re-emerge free from the internal wounds that are holding you back.

Led by a Peruvian Shipibo tribe shaman, our transformational OME RETREATS healing retreats in Atlanta, Texas, California, and Florida are a life-affirming opportunity to release anxiety and depression to reconnect to your true essence.

If you are suffering from anxiety or depression and are taking medication, it is essential you tell your retreat leader and shaman before participating.

Discover OME RETREATS for a deeper connection with the version of you you have longed to meet.

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